Osteokondrozis cervical home treatment

cervical osteokondrozis

Osteochondritis is a common disease that is accompanied by unpleasant sensations represents a shoulder belt for cervical, custom, vertigo, general weakness and extreme fatigue. Provides earlier diagnosis and start timely treatment to avoid serious complications. Individually selected therapy, but every time that means a comprehensive approach. Purchase medicine etc assigned to the patient, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, compress and friction for use at home.

Low back pain and neck progresses slowly, but slowly degenerative and dystrophic changes cartilage located between the vertebrae that resulted in the emergence of serious. Then, shifting them provokes even a small load, compression, nerve endings, the brain of oxygen deprivation. For this reason, you need to go to the doctor the first symptoms.

This type of symptoms a person needs Cheerleaders:

  • Arise from time to time neck pain or a mild discomfort.
  • Constant dizziness, headaches, fainting.
  • While rotating of the neck, a characteristic noise is heard.
  • Of the capabilities of permanent memory loss and mental deterioration for a short period.
  • Any impairment in vision or hearing.
  • Weakness in the hands.
  • Numbness of the skin.
  • Loss of flexibility, neck, feeling, stiffness, hardness.

Using home cervical degenerative disc disease treatment center are tracked in various medical ways. The most effective treatment in the early stages of the disease, but usually no returns at that time, or casually therefore progresses slowly. Routine inspection recommended to people at risk, I mean, the survivors, injury prone, often stress, weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.

The main purpose of treatment in the home

The decision osteokondrozis cervical treatment, the House doctor, the patient no serious damage the condition, the symptoms are moderate and for admission to the reading is missing. The unpleasant symptoms of the disease process and the solution treatment selected tactical slated for removal the following tasks:

  • Normalization of the circulation in the area of a lesion.
  • The problem is that cerebral hypoxia.
  • Normalization of sleep.
  • Prevention is a disorder of rapid development.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • The initial recovery for the regeneration process cartilage.
  • Saturation of the body, vitamins and minerals.
  • Eliminate anxiety, panic attacks, irritability.
  • Cervical dorsal improve the situation.

Treatment chondrosis is completely impossible but with the right approach, you can significantly slow down the process back to normal health and protect the quality of life for the next year. A comprehensive approach applied for this IMA change power, increased motor activity, drugs, masseuse visit.

Cervical osteokondrozis myself only with strict adherence home treatment all doctor's recommendations, and execution of assigned medical Gymnastics and medical control continuous power received .. etc.

Initial treatment of cervical pain syndrome with chondrosis resolve value. This is an expert for the appropriate pain medication. The industry offer a great variety of pharmacological tools is a different between the principle of action, shape, and price. A little novocaine blockade of the acute pains unbearable in some places. Getting weaker after the main symptoms are allowed to, and alternative techniques. This can be:

  • Massage treatments – fixes, spasm, pain and tension.
  • LFC – strengthens, Nov texture, re-gives the flexibility to support a normal spine.
  • Mud baths – the warm-up area for a long time to relieve symptoms and pain syndrome.
  • Manual therapy – eliminates skin metabolism and blood circulation of oxygen deprivation to the brain.
  • Reflexology reduces pain and areas of cartilage tissue regeneration processes launched.
  • Acupuncture – activate, increases metabolism of cartilage tissue reduces the manifestation of pain in the affected area.

The most appropriate way for the home treatment ointment, rubbing, bathroom, decoctions, compresses. These tools of traditional medicine long-known and famous security, ease of Use, and a small amount of contraindications.

Home purchase the medicine etc.

Incurable cervical medicine without osteokondrozis, etc. Doctors who prescribe acute pain syndrome to eliminate them in the first place to start the regeneration of damaged cartilage tissue and suppress the spread of an inflammatory process.

Since this group of drugs is included in the complex:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are targeting the inhibition, the inflammatory process, eliminating, swelling and improve the general condition of the patient. Currently tablets, capsules, or ointment.
  • Nov relaxants. They focused on removal of tone and spasms, decrease pain syndrome symptoms and deceleration of the progression of the pathology process.
  • Corticosteroids. The problem assigned speed is an inflammatory process, but instead is assigned in extreme cases such as NSAIDs that can cause increased blood sugar and increased blood pressure.
  • Blockade. Assigned an unbearable pain syndrome, not other ways cupping helps. Injecting drug directly to the affected area .. etc, thus quickly eliminate an unpleasant feeling.
  • Sedatives. The problem is that they are targeting anxiety, depression and irritability, sleep is normal and returns to normal.
  • Diuretics. Such aid, diuretic, excretion of excess fluid from the body and incentive. Violation of the health care provider they are assigned during the presence of increased intracranial pressure and the cerebral circulation.
  • Chondroprotectors. Assigned in the form of a pill, needle or ointments. At least as effective as the final version, the main task regenerating damaged cartilage and slow the degenerative tissue processes the drug.
  • B vitamins B6, B12, A, s, Drugs to develop their own content with the blood flow to normal metabolism, eliminating causes, triggered by the disease, strengthen the nervous system.

Medicine etc it's not just a pill includes the treatment of, but at the same time the use of local media. This friction or medical plasters. These plant extracts, pesticides or pepper. Good cropped pain, anti-inflammatory and analgesic Band-Aid.

Medicated bath

Osteochondritis neck-thoracic therapy with the advice in the house, taking hot tubs. Herbal teas with medicinal plants they have for clothes, what helps you to achieve a powerful therapeutic effect. The advantage lies in a direct effect is affected by techniques and improve this situation. Well proven, a bathroom with the addition of the following herbs:

  • Chamomile. 300 g dry plant is enough for you to pick (sold) and brew any pharmacy, 5 quarts boiling water. Acceptance of such a bathtub, as well as before going to bed are strong, have a calming effect.
  • Bird's knotweed. Necessary, 300 g dried grass, shed, 5 liter of hot water, then to insist for two hours. Water obtained directly from the clothes there is a bathroom.
  • Horse chestnut. Add 3-4 litres of boiling water to get 1 kg crush and bore fruit. The mixture over low heat for about 30 minutes. The resulting mixture is cool, drain and use, while there is a bathroom.
  • Birch leaves. Buy 1kg pour cold water on leaves and boil 2 minutes. After 1 hour of insisting, add water, while bathing.
degenerative disc disease home treatment

Herbal bath to get rid of, help relieve fatigue, swelling, relaxes soft tissue, Nov fiber speed up metabolism. Appoint them chronic insomnia, and increased anxiety, panic attacks.

Ankara and self massage

Good neck massage helps get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of degenerative disc disease. That is, a calming effect, therefore, women more often than men, this advice. It worked well with the spine and the following operating procedures:

  • Classic massage in the neck area. That includes the painful area, rubbing, stroking, tapping, and other ways to contribute, enhance and normalize blood circulation and lymph move.
  • Acupressure. The effect only suggests a faster and more secure acupressure points helps to achieve the desired effect. Such tricks are used in the process, like Gu, rleme, easy, friction press nips.
  • Self-massage. It is done and specific information is located in the shoulder. Let's aliasing, kneading and pressure. The backbone of the domain can directly be applied not only to neighbouring plots.

Only the competent trust business affected by expert stands in a plot of competent, talented improve the condition. Skill and experience to control the session before writing to it.

Turkish folk remedies

Many control methods of alternative medicine with a wide variety of pain and degenerative changes to cartilage. All the different ease of Use, and a small amount of contraindications. But, in spite of this, apply the various packs, friction and ointments it is recommended to consult your doctor in advance.

It worked well, and the following folk remedies:

  • Compresses. Using lotion, propolis, vodka, fruit juice, aloe helps to get rid of, inflammation, edema, pain. Symptoms facilitate them for a night.
  • Ointments. Their production is effectively the same drugs from the apothecary. Inflammation and pain to get rid of them. The ointment prepared shilajit and food.
  • Friction. Well proven, recipes, vodka, horseradish, and honey. Rub the injured area which is recommended for the composition prepared, before going to bed. The situation simplifies considerably for daily use.
  • Decoctions. Some herbs contribute to the best removal of salts. The decoction prepared flower rosehip, licorice root, St. John's wort, plantain, Clover. Pour 200 ml of water, zaparivat any substance and once before meals.

Any herbal remedies should be used with caution, before I forget, what they can do provoke, allergic reactions, overdose, side effects. If after the application of ointment or skin redness or other unwanted effects that wiped out a homemade cover friction in a place a clean cloth dipped in lukewarm water and consult a doctor.


gymnastics against degenerative disc disease

Regardless, during the development phase, pathology, doctors usually prescribed Gymnastics, developed by Dr. Bubnovsky. Established itself, as easily and effectively strengthen a pain to get rid of bad, Nov skeleton, normal blood flow to the affected region. Typically, the complex includes the following exercises:

  • Stand straight, tilt your head, shoulder, linger in this position for 30 seconds. Back to the original position, and again for action on the other hand.
  • Tighten the nipple up and forward tilt of the neck. A little stress should be felt in the neck Nov.
  • Stand up, throw your head back, slowly rotating it to the left, then right.
  • Hands behind your head, them the castle, turn his head, seamlessly right. Rest 30 seconds and is another way to perform an action.
  • Get up, walk away, and her neck forward, chin to shoulder while slowly reach disperse.

It helps also to cope better neck osteochondrosis yoga, swimming, qigong, and other methods. Regular exercise lets just get rid of the physical symptoms disorders and panic attacks, depression.

Home treatment applicator

In the period of exacerbation of cervical degenerative disc disease and neck pain, acupuncture helps to get rid of. This is called a custom fixture using the applicator Kuznetsova. This easy-to-use application will help ensure a long-term result. To use the patient lie down, and a flat, hard surface and press on the applicator of the problem space using a pillow. You can use a needle to adjust the pressure hands. The nearest port from front applique wax and paraffin wax at home to get rid of pain.

A dangerous disease that provokes cervical osteochondritis degenerative changes in the spine. Therefore, the initial treatment as early as possible. Some procedures are physical therapy or exercise it is not enough to achieve a strong effect. Always requires a comprehensive approach. Also treatment home remedies should be done under the guidance of the expert. These are especially important for people with chronic disease and contraindications to use a range of non normal about pills and injections.