author Viorica David

Viorica David
Published by:
4 Articles

Author's articles

  • What is osteoarthritis of the ankle joint: symptoms and causes of the disease. Treatment of post-traumatic, deforming and other types of inflammation of the ankle joint with medication, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. Methods of pain relief.
    31 March 2022
  • Causes of back pain in the lumbar region, causes related to the pathology of the spine and other organs. Features of pain in men and women, principles of treatment.
    10 June 2021
  • Osteochondrosis is a degenerative lesion of the intervertebral disc involvement in chronic pathological process called vertebrae and intervertebral joints in the wire.
    1 March 2020
  • Knee osteoarthritis is characterized by articular cartilage what happens in the process of breaking. The disease is usually pain similar to older people. And so, more..
    31 December 2019